Moodle PHP Documentation 4.4
Moodle 4.4.1 (Build: 20240610) (db07c09afc5)
qtype_multianswer_multichoice_inline_renderer Class Reference

Render an embedded multiple-choice question that is displayed as a select menu. More...

Inheritance diagram for qtype_multianswer_multichoice_inline_renderer:
qtype_multianswer_subq_renderer_base qtype_renderer plugin_renderer_base renderer_base

Public Member Functions

 __call ($method, $arguments)
 Magic method used to pass calls otherwise meant for the standard renderer to it to ensure we don't go causing unnecessary grief.
 add_action_handler (component_action $action, $id=null)
 Adds a JS action for the element with the provided id.
 clear_wrong (question_attempt $qa)
 Output hidden form fields to clear any wrong parts of the student's response.
 feedback (question_attempt $qa, question_display_options $options)
 Generate the display of the outcome part of the question.
 formulation_and_controls (question_attempt $qa, question_display_options $options)
 Generate the display of the formulation part of the question.
 formulation_heading ()
 In the question output there are some class="accesshide" headers to help screen-readers.
 get_compact_logo_url ($maxwidth=300, $maxheight=300)
 Return the site's compact logo URL, if any.
 get_logo_url ($maxwidth=null, $maxheight=200)
 Return the site's logo URL, if any.
 get_page ()
 Returns the moodle page object.
 has_started ()
 Returns true is output has already started, and false if not.
 head_code (question_attempt $qa)
 Return any HTML that needs to be included in the page's <head> when this question is used.
 image_url ($imagename, $component='moodle')
 Return the moodle_url for an image.
 manual_comment (question_attempt $qa, question_display_options $options)
 Display any extra question-type specific content that should be visible when grading, if appropriate.
 pix_url ($imagename, $component='moodle')
 Return the direct URL for an image from the pix folder.
 render (renderable $widget)
 Renders the provided widget and returns the HTML to display it.
 render_from_template ($templatename, $context)
 Renders a template by name with the given context.
 should_display_main_logo ($headinglevel=1)
 Whether we should display the main logo.
 should_display_navbar_logo ()
 Whether we should display the logo in the navbar.
 subquestion (question_attempt $qa, question_display_options $options, $index, question_graded_automatically $subq)

Static Public Member Functions

static prepare_classes ($classes)
 Given an array or space-separated list of classes, prepares and returns the HTML class attribute value.

Protected Member Functions

 correct_response (question_attempt $qa)
 Gereate an automatic description of the correct response to this question.
 feedback_class ($fraction)
 feedback_image ($fraction, $selected=true)
 Return an appropriate icon (green tick, red cross, etc.) for a grade.
 feedback_popup (question_graded_automatically $subq, $fraction, $feedbacktext, $rightanswer, question_display_options $options)
 Render the feedback pop-up contents.
 general_feedback (question_attempt $qa)
 Gereate the general feedback.
 get_answer_label (string $langkey='answerx', string $component='question')
 Generates a label for an answer field.
 get_feedback_image (string $icon, string $feedbackcontents)
 Render the feedback icon for a sub-question which is also the trigger for the feedback popover.
 get_mustache ()
 Return an instance of the mustache class.
 hint (question_attempt $qa, question_hint $hint)
 Gereate the specific feedback.
 num_parts_correct (question_attempt $qa)
 Gereate a brief statement of how many sub-parts of this question the student got right.
 specific_feedback (question_attempt $qa)
 Generate the specific feedback.

Protected Attributes

question_display_options $displayoptions
 Question display options instance for any necessary information for rendering the question.
xhtml_container_stack $opencontainers
 The xhtml_container_stack to use.
renderer_base core_renderer $output
 A reference to the current renderer.
moodle_page $page
 The Moodle page the renderer has been created to assist with.
string $target
 The requested rendering target.
array $templatecache = []
 $templatecache The mustache template cache.

Static Protected Attributes

static int[] $answercount = []
 Stores the counts of answer instances for questions.

Detailed Description

Render an embedded multiple-choice question that is displayed as a select menu.

License GNU GPL v3 or later

Member Function Documentation

◆ clear_wrong()

qtype_renderer::clear_wrong ( question_attempt $qa)

Output hidden form fields to clear any wrong parts of the student's response.

This method will only be called if the question is in read-only mode.

question_attempt$qathe question attempt to display.
Return values
stringHTML fragment.

Reimplemented in qtype_ddtoimage_renderer_base.

◆ correct_response()

qtype_renderer::correct_response ( question_attempt $qa)

Gereate an automatic description of the correct response to this question.

Not all question types can do this. If it is not possible, this method should just return an empty string.

question_attempt$qathe question attempt to display.
Return values
stringHTML fragment.

Reimplemented in qtype_calculated_renderer, qtype_ddtoimage_renderer_base, qtype_elements_embedded_in_question_text_renderer, qtype_match_renderer, qtype_multianswer_renderer, qtype_multichoice_multi_renderer, qtype_multichoice_single_renderer, qtype_numerical_renderer, qtype_ordering_renderer, qtype_shortanswer_renderer, and qtype_truefalse_renderer.

◆ feedback()

qtype_renderer::feedback ( question_attempt $qa,
question_display_options $options )

Generate the display of the outcome part of the question.

This is the area that contains the various forms of feedback. This function generates the content of this area belonging to the question type.

Subclasses will normally want to override the more specific methods {specific_feedback()}, {general_feedback()} and {correct_response()} that this method calls.

question_attempt$qathe question attempt to display.
question_display_options$optionscontrols what should and should not be displayed.
Return values
stringHTML fragment.

Reimplemented in qtype_ordering_renderer.

◆ feedback_image()

qtype_renderer::feedback_image ( $fraction,
$selected = true )

Return an appropriate icon (green tick, red cross, etc.) for a grade.

float$fractiongrade on a scale 0..1.
bool$selectedwhether to show a big or small icon. (Deprecated)
Return values
stringhtml fragment.

Reimplemented in qtype_ordering_renderer.

◆ feedback_popup()

qtype_multianswer_subq_renderer_base::feedback_popup ( question_graded_automatically $subq,
question_display_options $options )

Render the feedback pop-up contents.

question_graded_automatically$subqthe subquestion.
float$fractionthe mark the student got. null if this subq was not answered.
string$feedbacktextthe feedback text, already processed with format_text etc.
string$rightanswerthe right answer, already processed with format_text etc.
question_display_options$optionsthe display options.
Return values
stringthe HTML for the feedback popup.

◆ formulation_and_controls()

qtype_renderer::formulation_and_controls ( question_attempt $qa,
question_display_options $options )

Generate the display of the formulation part of the question.

This is the area that contains the quetsion text, and the controls for students to input their answers. Some question types also embed bits of feedback, for example ticks and crosses, in this area.

question_attempt$qathe question attempt to display.
question_display_options$optionscontrols what should and should not be displayed.
Return values
stringHTML fragment.

Reimplemented in qtype_ddmarker_renderer, qtype_ddtoimage_renderer_base, qtype_ddwtos_renderer, qtype_description_renderer, qtype_elements_embedded_in_question_text_renderer, qtype_essay_renderer, qtype_match_renderer, qtype_multianswer_renderer, qtype_multichoice_renderer_base, qtype_numerical_renderer, qtype_ordering_renderer, qtype_shortanswer_renderer, and qtype_truefalse_renderer.

◆ formulation_heading()

qtype_renderer::formulation_heading ( )

In the question output there are some class="accesshide" headers to help screen-readers.

This method returns the text to use for the heading above the formulation_and_controls section.

Return values
stringto use as the heading.

Reimplemented in qtype_description_renderer.

◆ general_feedback()

qtype_renderer::general_feedback ( question_attempt $qa)

Gereate the general feedback.

This is feedback is shown ot all students.

question_attempt$qathe question attempt to display.
Return values
stringHTML fragment.

◆ get_answer_label()

qtype_multianswer_subq_renderer_base::get_answer_label ( string $langkey = 'answerx',
string $component = 'question' )

Generates a label for an answer field.

If the question number is set ({

See also
qtype_renderer\$questionnumber}), the label will include the question number in order to indicate which question the answer field belongs to.
string$langkeyThe lang string key for the lang string that does not include the question number.
string$componentThe Frankenstyle component name.
Return values

◆ get_feedback_image()

qtype_multianswer_subq_renderer_base::get_feedback_image ( string $icon,
string $feedbackcontents )

Render the feedback icon for a sub-question which is also the trigger for the feedback popover.

string$iconThe feedback icon
string$feedbackcontentsThe feedback contents to be shown on the popover.
Return values

◆ head_code()

qtype_renderer::head_code ( question_attempt $qa)

Return any HTML that needs to be included in the page's <head> when this question is used.

$qathe question attempt that will be displayed on the page.
Return values
stringHTML fragment.

◆ hint()

qtype_renderer::hint ( question_attempt $qa,
question_hint $hint )

Gereate the specific feedback.

This is feedback that varies according to the response the student gave.

question_attempt$qathe question attempt to display.
Return values
stringHTML fragment.

Reimplemented in qtype_ddmarker_renderer.

◆ manual_comment()

qtype_renderer::manual_comment ( question_attempt $qa,
question_display_options $options )

Display any extra question-type specific content that should be visible when grading, if appropriate.

question_attempt$qaa question attempt.
question_display_options$optionscontrols what should and should not be displayed.
Return values
stringHTML fragment.

Reimplemented in qtype_essay_renderer.

◆ num_parts_correct()

qtype_renderer::num_parts_correct ( question_attempt $qa)

Gereate a brief statement of how many sub-parts of this question the student got right.

question_attempt$qathe question attempt to display.
Return values
stringHTML fragment.

Reimplemented in qtype_multichoice_multi_renderer, and qtype_ordering_renderer.

◆ specific_feedback()

qtype_renderer::specific_feedback ( question_attempt $qa)

Generate the specific feedback.

This is feedback that varies according to the response the student gave.

question_attempt$qathe question attempt to display.
Return values
stringHTML fragment.

Reimplemented in qtype_ddtoimage_renderer_base, qtype_elements_embedded_in_question_text_renderer, qtype_match_renderer, qtype_multichoice_renderer_base, qtype_numerical_renderer, qtype_ordering_renderer, qtype_shortanswer_renderer, and qtype_truefalse_renderer.

◆ subquestion()

qtype_multianswer_multichoice_inline_renderer::subquestion ( question_attempt $qa,
question_display_options $options,
question_graded_automatically $subq )

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