Moodle PHP Documentation 4.1
Moodle 4.1.11 (Build: 20240610) (c8c84b4af18)
This is the complete list of members for qtype_calculated, including all inherited members.
$fileoptions (defined in question_type) | question_type | protected |
$wizardpagesnumber (defined in qtype_calculated) | qtype_calculated | |
__construct() (defined in question_type) | question_type | |
actual_number_of_questions($question) | question_type | |
addnamecategory(&$question) (defined in qtype_calculated) | qtype_calculated | |
break_down_stats_and_response_analysis_by_variant($questiondata) | question_type | |
can_analyse_responses() | question_type | |
clean_technical_prefix_from_question_name($name) | qtype_calculated | |
comment_header($question) (defined in qtype_calculated) | qtype_calculated | |
comment_on_datasetitems($qtypeobj, $questionid, $questiontext, $answers, $data, $number) (defined in qtype_calculated) | qtype_calculated | |
construct_dataset_menus($form, $mandatorydatasets, $optionaldatasets) (defined in qtype_calculated) | qtype_calculated | |
count_hints_on_form($formdata, $withparts) | question_type | protected |
create_editing_form($submiturl, $question, $category, $contexts, $formeditable) | question_type | |
custom_generator_set_data($datasetdefs, $formdata) (defined in qtype_calculated) | qtype_calculated | |
custom_generator_tools($datasetdef) (defined in qtype_calculated) | qtype_calculated | |
custom_generator_tools_part($mform, $idx, $j) (defined in qtype_calculated) | qtype_calculated | |
dataset_options($form, $name, $mandatory=true, $renameabledatasets=false) (defined in qtype_calculated) | qtype_calculated | |
dataset_options_from_database($form, $name, $prefix='', $langfile='qtype_calculated') (defined in qtype_calculated) | qtype_calculated | |
decode_file($file) (defined in question_type) | question_type | protected |
delete_files($questionid, $contextid) | qtype_calculated | protected |
delete_files_in_answers($questionid, $contextid, $answerstoo=false) | question_type | protected |
delete_files_in_combined_feedback($questionid, $contextid) | question_type | protected |
delete_files_in_hints($questionid, $contextid) | question_type | protected |
delete_question($questionid, $contextid) | qtype_calculated | |
display_question_editing_page($mform, $question, $wizardnow) | qtype_calculated | |
evaluate_equations($str, $dataset) (defined in qtype_calculated) | qtype_calculated | |
export_to_xml($question, qformat_xml $format, $extra=null) (defined in question_type) | question_type | |
extra_answer_fields() | question_type | |
extra_question_fields() | question_type | |
fill_answer_fields($answer, $questiondata, $key, $context) | question_type | protected |
fill_extra_answer_fields($answerextra, $questiondata, $key, $context, $extraanswerfields) | question_type | protected |
find_dataset_names($text) | qtype_calculated | |
find_formulas($text) | qtype_calculated | |
find_standard_scripts() | question_type | |
finished_edit_wizard($form) | qtype_calculated | |
FORMULAS_IN_TEXT_REGEX | qtype_calculated | |
generate_dataset_item($options) (defined in qtype_calculated) | qtype_calculated | |
generate_test($name, $courseid=null) | question_type | |
get_context_by_category_id($category) | question_type | protected |
get_database_dataset_items($definition) | qtype_calculated | |
get_dataset_definitions($questionid, $newdatasets) (defined in qtype_calculated) | qtype_calculated | |
get_dataset_definitions_category($form) | qtype_calculated | |
get_datasets_for_export($question) (defined in qtype_calculated) | qtype_calculated | |
get_default_value(string $name, $default) | question_type | |
get_extra_question_bank_actions(stdClass $question) | question_type | |
get_heading($adding=false) | question_type | |
get_possible_responses($questiondata) | qtype_calculated | |
get_question_options($question) | qtype_calculated | |
get_random_guess_score($questiondata) | qtype_calculated | |
get_short_question_name($stringtoshorten, $characterlimit) | qtype_calculated | |
get_virtual_qtype() (defined in qtype_calculated) | qtype_calculated | |
has_html_answers() | question_type | |
import_datasets($question) (defined in qtype_calculated) | qtype_calculated | |
import_file($context, $component, $filearea, $itemid, $file) (defined in question_type) | question_type | |
import_from_xml($data, $question, qformat_xml $format, $extra=null) (defined in question_type) | question_type | |
import_or_save_files($field, $context, $component, $filearea, $itemid) | question_type | protected |
initialise_combined_feedback(question_definition $question, $questiondata, $withparts=false) | question_type | protected |
initialise_core_question_metadata(question_definition $question, $questiondata) | question_type | protected |
initialise_custom_fields(question_definition $question, $questiondata) | question_type | protected |
initialise_question_answers(question_definition $question, $questiondata, $forceplaintextanswers=true) | question_type | protected |
initialise_question_hints(question_definition $question, $questiondata) | question_type | protected |
initialise_question_instance(question_definition $question, $questiondata) | qtype_calculated | protected |
is_answer_empty($questiondata, $key) | question_type | protected |
is_extra_answer_fields_empty($questiondata, $key) | question_type | protected |
is_hint_empty_in_form_data($formdata, $number, $withparts) | question_type | protected |
is_manual_graded() | question_type | |
is_question_manual_graded($question, $otherquestionsinuse) | question_type | |
is_real_question_type() | question_type | |
is_usable_by_random() | question_type | |
local_name() | question_type | |
make_answer($answer) | question_type | protected |
make_hint($hint) | question_type | protected |
make_question($questiondata) | question_type | |
make_question_instance($questiondata) | question_type | protected |
MAX_DATASET_ITEMS (defined in qtype_calculated) | qtype_calculated | |
menu_name() | question_type | |
move_files($questionid, $oldcontextid, $newcontextid) | qtype_calculated | |
move_files_in_answers($questionid, $oldcontextid, $newcontextid, $answerstoo=false) | question_type | protected |
move_files_in_combined_feedback($questionid, $oldcontextid, $newcontextid) | question_type | protected |
move_files_in_hints($questionid, $oldcontextid, $newcontextid) | question_type | protected |
name() | question_type | |
next_wizard_form($submiturl, $question, $wizardnow) (defined in qtype_calculated) | qtype_calculated | |
pick_question_dataset($question, $datasetitem) (defined in qtype_calculated) | qtype_calculated | |
PLACEHODLER_REGEX | qtype_calculated | |
PLACEHOLDER_REGEX_PART | qtype_calculated | |
plugin_baseurl() | question_type | |
plugin_dir() | question_type | |
plugin_name() | question_type | |
preparedatasets($form, $questionfromid='0') | qtype_calculated | |
print_dataset_definitions_category($form) | qtype_calculated | |
print_dataset_definitions_category_shared($question, $datasetdefsq) | qtype_calculated | |
print_next_wizard_page($question, $form, $course) (defined in qtype_calculated) | qtype_calculated | |
questionid_column_name() | question_type | |
response_file_areas() | question_type | |
save_as_new_dataset_definitions($form, $initialid) | qtype_calculated | |
save_combined_feedback_helper($options, $formdata, $context, $withparts=false) | question_type | protected |
save_dataset_definitions($form) (defined in qtype_calculated) | qtype_calculated | |
save_dataset_items($question, $fromform) (defined in qtype_calculated) | qtype_calculated | |
save_defaults_for_new_questions(stdClass $fromform) | question_type | |
save_hint_options($formdata, $number, $withparts) | question_type | protected |
save_hints($formdata, $withparts=false) (defined in question_type) | question_type | |
save_question($question, $form) | qtype_calculated | |
save_question_answers($question) | question_type | |
save_question_calculated($question, $fromform) (defined in qtype_calculated) | qtype_calculated | |
save_question_options($question) | qtype_calculated | |
set_default_options($questiondata) | question_type | |
set_default_value(string $name, string $value) | question_type | |
substitute_variables($str, $dataset) (defined in qtype_calculated) | qtype_calculated | |
substitute_variables_and_eval($str, $dataset) (defined in qtype_calculated) | qtype_calculated | |
supports_dataset_item_generation() (defined in qtype_calculated) | qtype_calculated | |
tolerance_types() (defined in qtype_calculated) | qtype_calculated | |
update_dataset_options($datasetdefs, $form) (defined in qtype_calculated) | qtype_calculated | |
validate_answer($answer) | qtype_calculated | protected |
validate_question_data($question) | qtype_calculated | protected |
validate_text($text) | qtype_calculated | protected |
wizardpagesnumber() (defined in qtype_calculated) | qtype_calculated |