Moodle PHP Documentation 4.1
Moodle 4.1.11 (Build: 20240610) (c8c84b4af18)
block_html_edit_form Class Reference

Form for editing HTML block instances. More...

Inheritance diagram for block_html_edit_form:
block_edit_form moodleform

Public Member Functions

 _process_submission ($method)
 Internal method.
 _validate_files (&$files)
 Internal method.
 add_action_buttons ($cancel=true, $submitlabel=null)
 Use this method to a cancel and submit button to the end of your form.
 add_checkbox_controller ($groupid, $text=null, $attributes=null, $originalValue=0)
 Adds a link/button that controls the checked state of a group of checkboxes.
 definition ()
 Form definition.
 definition_after_data ()
 Dummy stub method - override if you need to setup the form depending on current values.
 display ()
 Print html form.
 focus ($name=NULL)
 To autofocus on first form element or first element with error.
 get_data ()
 Return submitted data if properly submitted or returns NULL if validation fails or if there is no submitted data.
 get_file_content ($elname)
 Get content of uploaded file.
 get_new_filename ($elname=null)
 Returns name of uploaded file.
 get_submitted_data ()
 Return submitted data without validation or NULL if there is no submitted data.
 init_javascript_enhancement ($element, $enhancement, array $options=array(), array $strings=null)
 Adds an initialisation call for a standard JavaScript enhancement.
 is_cancelled ()
 Return true if a cancel button has been pressed resulting in the form being submitted.
 is_editing_the_frontpage ()
 Returns true if the user is editing a frontpage.
 is_submitted ()
 Check that form was submitted.
 is_validated ()
 Check that form data is valid.
 moodleform ($action=null, $customdata=null, $method='post', $target='', $attributes=null, $editable=true)
 Old syntax of class constructor.
 no_submit_button_pressed ()
 Checks if button pressed is not for submitting the form.
 optional_param ($name, $default, $type)
 Checks if a parameter was passed in the previous form submission.
 render ()
 Renders the html form (same as display, but returns the result).
 repeat_elements ($elementobjs, $repeats, $options, $repeathiddenname, $addfieldsname, $addfieldsno=5, $addstring=null, $addbuttoninside=false, $deletebuttonname='')
 Method to add a repeating group of elements to a form.
 repeat_elements_fix_clone ($i, $elementclone, &$namecloned)
 Helper used by repeat_elements().
 save_file ($elname, $pathname, $override=false)
 Save file to standard filesystem.
 save_files ($destination)
 Save verified uploaded files into directory.
 save_stored_file ($elname, $newcontextid, $newcomponent, $newfilearea, $newitemid, $newfilepath='/', $newfilename=null, $overwrite=false, $newuserid=null)
 Save file to local filesystem pool.
 save_temp_file ($elname)
 Returns a temporary file, do not forget to delete after not needed any more.
 set_data ($defaults)
 Load in existing data as form defaults.
 set_display_vertical ()
 Set display mode for the form when labels take full width of the form and above the elements even on big screens.
 set_initial_dirty_state ($state=false)
 Set the initial 'dirty' state of the form.
 validate_defined_fields ($validateonnosubmit=false)
 Validate the form.
 validation ($data, $files)
 Dummy stub method - override if you needed to perform some extra validation.

Static Public Member Functions

static get_js_module ()
 Returns a JS module definition for the mforms JS.
static mock_ajax_submit ($simulatedsubmitteddata, $simulatedsubmittedfiles=array(), $method='post', $formidentifier=null)
 Used by tests to simulate submitted form data submission via AJAX.
static mock_generate_submit_keys ($data=[])
 Used by tests to generate valid submit keys for moodle forms that are submitted with ajax data.
static mock_submit ($simulatedsubmitteddata, $simulatedsubmittedfiles=array(), $method='post', $formidentifier=null)
 Used by tests to simulate submitted form data submission from the user.

Public Attributes

block_base $block
 The block instance we are editing.
moodle_page $page
 The page we are editing this block in association with.

Protected Member Functions

 _get_post_params ()
 Internal method - should not be used anywhere.
 after_definition ()
 After definition hook.
 get_array_value_by_keys (array $array, array $keys)
 Returns an element of multi-dimensional array given the list of keys.
 get_draft_files ($elname)
 Get draft files of a form element This is a protected method which will be used only inside moodleforms.
 get_form_identifier ()
 It should returns unique identifier for the form.
 specific_definition ($mform)
 Override this to create any form fields specific to this type of block.
 validate_draft_files ()
 Internal method.

Protected Attributes

array $_ajaxformdata
 submitted form data when using mforms with ajax
array $_customdata
 globals workaround
object $_definition_finalized = false
 definition_after_data executed flag
MoodleQuickForm $_form
 quickform object definition
string $_formname
 name of the form
bool null $_validated = null
 stores the validation result of this form or null if not yet validated
array $defaults = []
 Defaults set in set_data() that need to be returned in get_data() if form elements were not created.

Detailed Description

Form for editing HTML block instances.

License GNU GPL v3 or later

Member Function Documentation

◆ definition()

block_edit_form::definition ( )

Form definition.

Abstract method - always override!

Reimplemented from moodleform.

◆ get_data()

block_edit_form::get_data ( )

Return submitted data if properly submitted or returns NULL if validation fails or if there is no submitted data.

Return values
objectsubmitted data; NULL if not valid or not submitted or cancelled

Reimplemented from moodleform.

◆ is_editing_the_frontpage()

block_edit_form::is_editing_the_frontpage ( )

Returns true if the user is editing a frontpage.

Return values

◆ set_data()

block_html_edit_form::set_data ( $default_values)

Load in existing data as form defaults.

Usually new entry defaults are stored directly in form definition (new entry form); this function is used to load in data where values already exist and data is being edited (edit entry form).

note: $slashed param removed

stdClass | array$default_valuesobject or array of default values

Reimplemented from block_edit_form.

◆ specific_definition()

block_html_edit_form::specific_definition ( $mform)

Override this to create any form fields specific to this type of block.

object$mformthe form being built.

Reimplemented from block_edit_form.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: