Moodle PHP Documentation 4.1
Moodle 4.1.11 (Build: 20240610) (c8c84b4af18)
This is the complete list of members for core_h5p_generator, including all inherited members.
$datagenerator (defined in component_generator_base) | component_generator_base | protected |
__construct(testing_data_generator $datagenerator) | component_generator_base | |
add_libfile_to_array(string $type, string $path, string $version, &$files) | core_h5p_generator | protected |
create_content_file(string $file, string $filearea, int $contentid=0) | core_h5p_generator | |
create_content_types(array $typestonotinstall, core $core) | core_h5p_generator | |
create_contents_libraries_record(string $h5pid, int $libid, string $dependencytype='preloaded') | core_h5p_generator | |
create_export_file(string $filename, int $contextid, string $component, string $filearea, int $typeurl=self::WSPLUGINFILE) | core_h5p_generator | |
create_file(string $file, string $content='') | core_h5p_generator | |
create_h5p_record(int $mainlibid, string $jsoncontent=null, string $filtered=null) | core_h5p_generator | |
create_library(string $uploaddirectory, int $libraryid, string $machinename, int $majorversion, int $minorversion, ?array $langs=[]) | core_h5p_generator | |
create_library_dependency_record(int $libid, int $requiredlibid, string $dependencytype='preloaded') | core_h5p_generator | |
create_library_record(string $machinename, string $title, int $majorversion=1, int $minorversion=0, int $patchversion=1, string $semantics='', string $addto=null, string $tutorial=null, string $example=null, bool $enabled=true, int $runnable=1) | core_h5p_generator | |
generate_h5p_data(bool $createlibraryfiles=false) | core_h5p_generator | |
insert_files(stdClass $instance, stdClass $record, string $table, context $context, string $component, string $filearea, int $targetitemid) | component_generator_base | protected |
PLUGINFILE | core_h5p_generator | |
reset() | component_generator_base | |
set_user(?stdClass $user=null) | component_generator_base | protected |
TOKENPLUGINFILE | core_h5p_generator | |
WSPLUGINFILE | core_h5p_generator |