Moodle PHP Documentation 4.1
Moodle 4.1.11 (Build: 20240610) (c8c84b4af18)
format_singleactivity Class Reference

Main class for the singleactivity course format. More...

Inheritance diagram for format_singleactivity:

Public Member Functions

 activity_has_subtypes ()
 Checks if the activity type has multiple items in the activity chooser.
 add_section_preference_ids (string $preferencename, array $sectionids)
 Add section preference ids.
 ajax_section_move ()
 Custom action after section has been moved in AJAX mode.
 allow_stealth_module_visibility ($cm, $section)
 Returns whether this course format allows the activity to have "triple visibility state" - visible always, hidden on course page but available, hidden.
 can_delete_section ($section)
 Whether this format allows to delete sections.
 course_content_footer ()
 Course-specific information to be output immediately below content on any course page.
 course_content_header ()
 Course-specific information to be output immediately above content on any course page.
 course_footer ()
 Course-specific information to be output on any course page (usually in the beginning of standard footer)
 course_format_options ($foreditform=false)
 Definitions of the additional options that this course format uses for course.
 course_header ()
 Course-specific information to be output on any course page (usually above navigation bar)
 create_edit_form_elements (&$mform, $forsection=false)
 Adds format options elements to the course/section edit form.
 delete_format_data ()
 Course deletion hook.
 delete_section ($section, $forcedeleteifnotempty=false)
 Deletes a section.
 edit_form_validation ($data, $files, $errors)
 Override if you need to perform some extra validation of the format options.
 editsection_form ($action, $customdata=array())
 Return an instance of moodleform to edit a specified section.
 extend_course_navigation ($navigation, navigation_node $node)
 Loads all of the course sections into the navigation.
 get_config_for_external ()
 Return the plugin configs for external functions.
 get_course ()
 Returns a record from course database table plus additional fields that course format defines.
 get_course_display ()
 Get the course display value for the current course.
 get_courseid ()
 Returns id of the course (0 if course is not specified)
 get_default_blocks ()
 Returns the list of blocks to be automatically added for the newly created course.
 get_default_course_enddate ($mform, $fieldnames=array())
 Returns the default end date value based on the start date.
 get_default_section_name ($section)
 Returns the default section using course_format's implementation of get_section_name.
 get_format ()
 Returns the format name used by this course.
 get_format_name ()
 Returns the localised name of this course format plugin.
 get_format_options ($section=null)
 Returns the format options stored for this course or course section.
 get_last_section_number ()
 Method used in the rendered and during backup instead of legacy 'numsections'.
 get_max_sections ()
 Method used to get the maximum number of sections for this course format.
 get_modinfo ()
 Return the current course modinfo.
 get_output_classname (string $outputname)
 Returns instance of output component used by this plugin.
 get_renderer (moodle_page $page)
 Returns instance of page renderer used by this plugin.
 get_section ($section, $strictness=IGNORE_MISSING)
 Returns information about section used in course.
 get_section_highlighted_name ()
 Returns the name for the highlighted section.
 get_section_name ($section)
 Returns the display name of the given section that the course prefers.
 get_section_number ()
 Set if the current format instance will show multiple sections or an individual one.
 get_sections ()
 Returns a list of sections used in the course.
 get_sections_preferences ()
 Return the format section preferences.
 get_sections_preferences_by_preference ()
 Return the format section preferences.
 get_view_url ($section, $options=array())
 The URL to use for the specified course.
 has_view_page ()
 Returns true if the course has a front page.
 inplace_editable_render_section_name ($section, $linkifneeded=true, $editable=null, $edithint=null, $editlabel=null)
 Prepares the templateable object to display section name.
 inplace_editable_update_section_name ($section, $itemtype, $newvalue)
 Updates the value in the database and modifies this object respectively.
 is_section_current ($section)
 Returns true if the specified section is current.
 is_section_visible (section_info $section)
 Returns if an specific section is visible to the current user.
 page_set_cm (moodle_page $page)
 Allows course format to execute code on moodle_page\set_cm()
 page_set_course (moodle_page $page)
 Allows course format to execute code on moodle_page\set_course()
 page_title ()
 Generate the title for this section page.
 remove_section_preference_ids (string $preferencename, array $sectionids)
 Remove section preference ids.
 reorder_activities ()
 Make sure that current active activity is in section 0.
 section_action ($section, $action, $sr)
 Callback used in WS core_course_edit_section when teacher performs an AJAX action on a section (show/hide)
 section_format_options ($foreditform=false)
 Definitions of the additional options that this course format uses for section.
 section_get_available_hook (section_info $section, &$available, &$availableinfo)
 Allows to specify for modinfo that section is not available even when it is visible and conditionally available.
 set_section_number (int $singlesection)
 Set if the current format instance will show multiple sections or an individual one.
 set_sections_preference (string $preferencename, array $sectionids)
 Return the format section preferences.
 show_editor (?array $capabilities=['moodle/course:manageactivities'])
 return true if the course editor must be displayed.
 supports_ajax ()
 Returns the information about the ajax support in the given source format.
 supports_components ()
 Returns true if this course format is compatible with content components.
 supports_news ()
 Indicates whether the course format supports the creation of the Announcements forum.
 update_course_format_options ($data, $oldcourse=null)
 Updates format options for a course.
 update_section_format_options ($data)
 Updates format options for a section.
 uses_course_index ()
 Returns true if this course format uses course index.
 uses_indentation ()
 Returns true if this course format uses activity indentation.
 uses_sections ()
 Returns true if this course format uses sections.
 validate_course_format_options (array $data)
 Validates format options for the course.

Static Public Member Functions

static get_supported_activities ()
 Get the activities supported by the format.
static instance ($courseorid)
 Returns an instance of the class.
static reset_course_cache ($courseid=0)
 Resets cache for the course (or all caches)
static session_cache (stdClass $course)
 Return the current user course format cache key.
static session_cache_reset (stdClass $course)
 Reset the current user course format cache.
static session_cache_reset_all ()
 Reset the current user for all courses.

Protected Member Functions

 can_add_activity ()
 Checks if the current user can add the activity of the specified type to this course.
 get_activity ()
 Returns the current activity if exists.
 get_activitytype ()
 Returns the name of activity type used for this course.
 get_form_start_date ($mform, $fieldnames)
 Get the start date value from the course settings page form.
 get_section_modules_updated (section_info $section)
 Return an array with all section modules content.
 navigation_add_activity (navigation_node $node, $cm)
 Adds a course module to the navigation node.
 update_format_options ($data, $sectionid=null)
 Updates format options for a course or section.
 validate_format_options (array $rawdata, int $sectionid=null)
 Prepares values of course or section format options before storing them in DB.

Static Protected Member Functions

static get_class_name ($format)
 Get class name for the format.
static get_format_or_default ($format)
 Validates that course format exists and enabled and returns either itself or default format.

Protected Attributes

stdClass $course = false
 course data for course object, please use course_format\get_course()
int $courseid
 Id of the course in this instance (maybe 0)
string $format
 format used for this course.
array $formatoptions = array()
 caches format options, please use course_format\get_format_options()
int $singlesection = 0
 the section number in single section format, zero for multiple section formats.

Detailed Description

Main class for the singleactivity course format.

License GNU GPL v3 or later

Member Function Documentation

◆ activity_has_subtypes()

format_singleactivity::activity_has_subtypes ( )

Checks if the activity type has multiple items in the activity chooser.

Return values
bool|null(null if the check is not possible)

◆ add_section_preference_ids()

core_courseformat\base::add_section_preference_ids ( string $preferencename,
array $sectionids )

Add section preference ids.

string$preferencenamepreference name
array$sectionidsaffected section ids

◆ ajax_section_move()

core_courseformat\base::ajax_section_move ( )

Custom action after section has been moved in AJAX mode.

Used in course/rest.php

Return values
arrayThis will be passed in ajax respose

Reimplemented in format_legacy, format_topics, and format_weeks.

◆ allow_stealth_module_visibility()

core_courseformat\base::allow_stealth_module_visibility ( $cm,
$section )

Returns whether this course format allows the activity to have "triple visibility state" - visible always, hidden on course page but available, hidden.

stdClass | cm_info$cmcourse module (may be null if we are displaying a form for adding a module)
stdClass | section_info$sectionsection where this module is located or will be added to
Return values

Reimplemented in format_site, format_social, format_topics, and format_weeks.

◆ can_add_activity()

format_singleactivity::can_add_activity ( )

Checks if the current user can add the activity of the specified type to this course.

Return values

◆ can_delete_section()

core_courseformat\base::can_delete_section ( $section)

Whether this format allows to delete sections.

If format supports deleting sections it is also recommended to define language string 'deletesection' inside the format.

Do not call this function directly, instead use course_can_delete_section()

int | stdClass | section_info$section
Return values

Reimplemented in format_topics, and format_weeks.

◆ course_content_footer()

core_courseformat\base::course_content_footer ( )

Course-specific information to be output immediately below content on any course page.

See course_format\course_header() for usage

Return values
null|renderablenull for no output or object with data for plugin renderer

◆ course_content_header()

core_courseformat\base::course_content_header ( )

Course-specific information to be output immediately above content on any course page.

See course_format\course_header() for usage

Return values
null|renderablenull for no output or object with data for plugin renderer

◆ course_footer()

core_courseformat\base::course_footer ( )

Course-specific information to be output on any course page (usually in the beginning of standard footer)

See course_format\course_header() for usage

Return values
null|renderablenull for no output or object with data for plugin renderer

◆ course_format_options()

format_singleactivity::course_format_options ( $foreditform = false)

Definitions of the additional options that this course format uses for course.

Singleactivity course format uses one option 'activitytype'

Return values
arrayof options

Reimplemented from core_courseformat\base.

◆ course_header()

core_courseformat\base::course_header ( )

Course-specific information to be output on any course page (usually above navigation bar)

Example of usage: define class format_FORMATNAME_XXX implements renderable {}

create format renderer in course/format/FORMATNAME/renderer.php, define rendering function: class format_FORMATNAME_renderer extends plugin_renderer_base { protected function render_format_FORMATNAME_XXX(format_FORMATNAME_XXX $xxx) { return html_writer\tag('div', 'This is my header/footer'); } }

Return instance of format_FORMATNAME_XXX in this function, the appropriate method from plugin renderer will be called

Return values
null|renderablenull for no output or object with data for plugin renderer

◆ create_edit_form_elements()

format_singleactivity::create_edit_form_elements ( & $mform,
$forsection = false )

Adds format options elements to the course/section edit form.

This function is called from course_edit_form::definition_after_data()

Format singleactivity adds a warning when format of the course is about to be changed.

MoodleQuickForm$mformform the elements are added to
bool$forsection'true' if this is a section edit form, 'false' if this is course edit form
Return values
arrayarray of references to the added form elements

Reimplemented from core_courseformat\base.

◆ delete_format_data()

core_courseformat\base::delete_format_data ( )

Course deletion hook.

Format plugins can override this method to clean any format specific data and dependencies.

◆ delete_section()

core_courseformat\base::delete_section ( $section,
$forcedeleteifnotempty = false )

Deletes a section.

Do not call this function directly, instead call course_delete_section()

int | stdClass | section_info$section
bool$forcedeleteifnotemptyif set to false section will not be deleted if it has modules in it.
Return values
boolwhether section was deleted

◆ edit_form_validation()

core_courseformat\base::edit_form_validation ( $data,
$errors )

Override if you need to perform some extra validation of the format options.

array$dataarray of ("fieldname"=>value) of submitted data
array$filesarray of uploaded files "element_name"=>tmp_file_path
array$errorserrors already discovered in edit form validation
Return values
arrayof "element_name"=>"error_description" if there are errors, or an empty array if everything is OK. Do not repeat errors from $errors param here

◆ editsection_form()

core_courseformat\base::editsection_form ( $action,
$customdata = array() )

Return an instance of moodleform to edit a specified section.

Default implementation returns instance of editsection_form that automatically adds additional fields defined in course_format\section_format_options()

Format plugins may extend editsection_form if they want to have custom edit section form.

mixed$actionthe action attribute for the form. If empty defaults to auto detect the current url. If a moodle_url object then outputs params as hidden variables.
array$customdatathe array with custom data to be passed to the form /course/editsection.php passes section_info object in 'cs' field for filling availability fields
Return values

◆ extend_course_navigation()

format_singleactivity::extend_course_navigation ( $navigation,
navigation_node $node )

Loads all of the course sections into the navigation.

navigation_node$nodeThe course node within the navigation

Reimplemented from core_courseformat\base.

◆ get_activity()

format_singleactivity::get_activity ( )

Returns the current activity if exists.

Return values

◆ get_activitytype()

format_singleactivity::get_activitytype ( )

Returns the name of activity type used for this course.

Return values

◆ get_class_name()

static core_courseformat\base::get_class_name ( $format)

Get class name for the format.

If course format xxx does not declare class format_xxx, format_legacy will be returned. This function also includes lib.php file from corresponding format plugin

Return values

◆ get_config_for_external()

format_singleactivity::get_config_for_external ( )

Return the plugin configs for external functions.

Return values
arraythe list of configuration settings
Moodle 3.5

Reimplemented from core_courseformat\base.

◆ get_course()

core_courseformat\base::get_course ( )

Returns a record from course database table plus additional fields that course format defines.

Return values

◆ get_course_display()

core_courseformat\base::get_course_display ( )

Get the course display value for the current course.

Formats extending topics or weeks will use coursedisplay as this setting name so they don't need to override the method. However, if the format uses a different display logic it must override this method to ensure the core renderers know if a COURSE_DISPLAY_MULTIPAGE or COURSE_DISPLAY_SINGLEPAGE is being used.

Return values

◆ get_courseid()

core_courseformat\base::get_courseid ( )

Returns id of the course (0 if course is not specified)

Return values

◆ get_default_blocks()

format_singleactivity::get_default_blocks ( )

Returns the list of blocks to be automatically added for the newly created course.

Return values
arrayof default blocks, must contain two keys BLOCK_POS_LEFT and BLOCK_POS_RIGHT each of values is an array of block names (for left and right side columns)

Reimplemented from core_courseformat\base.

◆ get_default_course_enddate()

core_courseformat\base::get_default_course_enddate ( $mform,
$fieldnames = array() )

Returns the default end date value based on the start date.

This is the default implementation for course formats, it is based on moodlecourse/courseduration setting. Course formats like format_weeks for example can overwrite this method and return a value based on their internal options.

array$fieldnamesThe form - field names mapping.
Return values

Reimplemented in format_weeks.

◆ get_default_section_name()

core_courseformat\base::get_default_section_name ( $section)

Returns the default section using course_format's implementation of get_section_name.

int | stdClass$sectionSection object from database or just field course_sections section
Return values
stringThe default value for the section name based on the given course format.

Reimplemented in format_topics, and format_weeks.

◆ get_form_start_date()

core_courseformat\base::get_form_start_date ( $mform,
$fieldnames )

Get the start date value from the course settings page form.

array$fieldnamesThe form - field names mapping.
Return values

◆ get_format()

core_courseformat\base::get_format ( )

Returns the format name used by this course.

Return values

◆ get_format_name()

core_courseformat\base::get_format_name ( )

Returns the localised name of this course format plugin.

Return values

◆ get_format_options()

core_courseformat\base::get_format_options ( $section = null)

Returns the format options stored for this course or course section.

When overriding please note that this function is called from rebuild_course_cache() and section_info object, therefore using of get_fast_modinfo() and/or any function that accesses it may lead to recursion.

null | int | stdClass | section_info$sectionif null the course format options will be returned otherwise options for specified section will be returned. This can be either section object or relative section number (field course_sections.section)
Return values

◆ get_format_or_default()

static core_courseformat\base::get_format_or_default ( $format)

Validates that course format exists and enabled and returns either itself or default format.

Return values

◆ get_last_section_number()

core_courseformat\base::get_last_section_number ( )

Method used in the rendered and during backup instead of legacy 'numsections'.

Default renderer will treat sections with sectionnumber greater that the value returned by this method as "orphaned" and not display them on the course page unless in editing mode. Backup will store this value as 'numsections'.

This method ensures that 3rd party course format plugins that still use 'numsections' continue to work but at the same time we no longer expect formats to have 'numsections' property.

Return values
intThe last section number, or -1 if sections are entirely missing

◆ get_max_sections()

core_courseformat\base::get_max_sections ( )

Method used to get the maximum number of sections for this course format.

Return values

◆ get_modinfo()

core_courseformat\base::get_modinfo ( )

Return the current course modinfo.

This method is used mainly by the output components to avoid unnecesary get_fast_modinfo calls.

Return values

◆ get_output_classname()

core_courseformat\base::get_output_classname ( string $outputname)

Returns instance of output component used by this plugin.

coding_exceptionif the format class does not extends the original core one.
string$outputnamethe element to render (section, activity...)
Return values
stringthe output component classname

◆ get_renderer()

core_courseformat\base::get_renderer ( moodle_page $page)

Returns instance of page renderer used by this plugin.

Return values

Reimplemented in format_site.

◆ get_section()

core_courseformat\base::get_section ( $section,
$strictness = IGNORE_MISSING )

Returns information about section used in course.

int | stdClass$sectioneither section number (field course_section.section) or row from course_section table
Return values

◆ get_section_highlighted_name()

core_courseformat\base::get_section_highlighted_name ( )

Returns the name for the highlighted section.

Return values
stringThe name for the highlighted section based on the given course format.

Reimplemented in format_weeks.

◆ get_section_modules_updated()

core_courseformat\base::get_section_modules_updated ( section_info $section)

Return an array with all section modules content.

This method is used in section_action method to generate the updated modules content after a modinfo change.

section_info$sectionthe section
Return values
string[]the full modules content.

◆ get_section_name()

core_courseformat\base::get_section_name ( $section)

Returns the display name of the given section that the course prefers.

int | stdClass$sectionSection object from database or just field course_sections.section
Return values
Displayname that the course format prefers, e.g. "Topic 2"

Reimplemented in format_legacy, format_site, format_topics, and format_weeks.

◆ get_section_number()

core_courseformat\base::get_section_number ( )

Set if the current format instance will show multiple sections or an individual one.

Some formats has the hability to swith from one section to multiple sections per page, output components will use this method to know if the current display is a single or multiple sections.

Return values
intzero for all sections or the sectin number

Reimplemented in format_site.

◆ get_sections()

core_courseformat\base::get_sections ( )

Returns a list of sections used in the course.

This is a shortcut to get_fast_modinfo()->get_section_info_all()

See also
Return values
arrayof section_info objects

◆ get_sections_preferences()

core_courseformat\base::get_sections_preferences ( )

Return the format section preferences.

Return values
arrayof preferences indexed by sectionid

◆ get_sections_preferences_by_preference()

core_courseformat\base::get_sections_preferences_by_preference ( )

Return the format section preferences.

Return values
arrayof preferences indexed by preference name

◆ get_supported_activities()

static format_singleactivity::get_supported_activities ( )

Get the activities supported by the format.

Here we ignore the modules that do not have a page of their own, like the label.

Return values
arrayarray($module => $name of the module).

◆ get_view_url()

format_singleactivity::get_view_url ( $section,
$options = array() )

The URL to use for the specified course.

int | stdClass$sectionSection object from database or just field course_sections.section if null the course view page is returned
array$optionsoptions for view URL. At the moment core uses: 'navigation' (bool) if true and section has no separate page, the function returns null 'sr' (int) used by multipage formats to specify to which section to return
Return values

Reimplemented from core_courseformat\base.

◆ has_view_page()

format_singleactivity::has_view_page ( )

Returns true if the course has a front page.

Return values

Reimplemented from core_courseformat\base.

◆ inplace_editable_render_section_name()

core_courseformat\base::inplace_editable_render_section_name ( $section,
$linkifneeded = true,
$editable = null,
$edithint = null,
$editlabel = null )

Prepares the templateable object to display section name.

section_info | stdClass$section
null | lang_string | string$edithint
null | lang_string | string$editlabel
Return values

Reimplemented in format_topics, and format_weeks.

◆ inplace_editable_update_section_name()

core_courseformat\base::inplace_editable_update_section_name ( $section,
$newvalue )

Updates the value in the database and modifies this object respectively.

ALWAYS check user permissions before performing an update! Throw exceptions if permissions are not sufficient or value is not legit.

Return values

◆ instance()

static core_courseformat\base::instance ( $courseorid)

Returns an instance of the class.

MDL-35727 use MUC for caching of instances, limit the number of cached instances
int | stdClass$courseorideither course id or an object that has the property 'format' and may contain property 'id'
Return values

◆ is_section_current()

core_courseformat\base::is_section_current ( $section)

Returns true if the specified section is current.

By default we analyze $course->marker

int | stdClass | section_info$section
Return values

Reimplemented in format_weeks.

◆ is_section_visible()

core_courseformat\base::is_section_visible ( section_info $section)

Returns if an specific section is visible to the current user.

Formats can overrride this method to implement any special section logic.

section_info$sectionthe section modinfo
Return values

◆ navigation_add_activity()

format_singleactivity::navigation_add_activity ( navigation_node $node,
$cm )

Adds a course module to the navigation node.

This is basically copied from function global_navigation\load_section_activities() because it is not accessible from outside.

Return values

◆ page_set_cm()

format_singleactivity::page_set_cm ( moodle_page $page)

Allows course format to execute code on moodle_page\set_cm()

If we are inside the main module for this course, remove extra node level from navigation: substitute course node with activity node, move all children

moodle_page$pageinstance of page calling set_cm

Reimplemented from core_courseformat\base.

◆ page_set_course()

format_singleactivity::page_set_course ( moodle_page $page)

Allows course format to execute code on moodle_page\set_course()

This function is executed before the output starts.

If everything is configured correctly, user is redirected from the default course view page to the activity view page.

"Section 1" is the administrative page to manage orphaned activities

If user is on course view page and there is no module added to the course and the user has 'moodle/course:manageactivities' capability, redirect to create module form.

moodle_page$pageinstance of page calling set_course

Reimplemented from core_courseformat\base.

◆ page_title()

core_courseformat\base::page_title ( )

Generate the title for this section page.

Return values
stringthe page title

Reimplemented in format_topics, and format_weeks.

◆ remove_section_preference_ids()

core_courseformat\base::remove_section_preference_ids ( string $preferencename,
array $sectionids )

Remove section preference ids.

string$preferencenamepreference name
array$sectionidsaffected section ids

◆ reorder_activities()

format_singleactivity::reorder_activities ( )

Make sure that current active activity is in section 0.

All other activities are moved to section 1 that will be displayed as 'Orphaned'. It may be needed after the course format was changed or activitytype in course settings has been changed.

Return values
null|cm_infocurrent activity

◆ reset_course_cache()

static core_courseformat\base::reset_course_cache ( $courseid = 0)

Resets cache for the course (or all caches)

To be called from rebuild_course_cache()


◆ section_action()

core_courseformat\base::section_action ( $section,
$sr )

Callback used in WS core_course_edit_section when teacher performs an AJAX action on a section (show/hide)

Access to the course is already validated in the WS but the callback has to make sure that particular action is allowed by checking capabilities

Course formats should register

stdClass | section_info$section
int$srthe section return
Return values
null|array|stdClassany data for the Javascript post-processor (must be json-encodeable)

Reimplemented in format_topics, and format_weeks.

◆ section_format_options()

core_courseformat\base::section_format_options ( $foreditform = false)

Definitions of the additional options that this course format uses for section.

See course_format\course_format_options() for return array definition.

Additionally section format options may have property 'cache' set to true if this option needs to be cached in get_fast_modinfo(). The 'cache' property is recommended to be set only for fields used in course_format\get_section_name(), course_format\extend_course_navigation() and course_format\get_view_url()

For better performance cached options are recommended to have 'cachedefault' property Unlike 'default', 'cachedefault' should be static and not access get_config().

Regardless of value of 'cache' all options are accessed in the code as $sectioninfo->OPTIONNAME where $sectioninfo is instance of section_info, returned by get_fast_modinfo($course)->get_section_info($sectionnum) or get_fast_modinfo($course)->get_section_info_all()

All format options for particular section are returned by calling: $this->get_format_options($section);

Return values

◆ section_get_available_hook()

core_courseformat\base::section_get_available_hook ( section_info $section,
& $available,
& $availableinfo )

Allows to specify for modinfo that section is not available even when it is visible and conditionally available.

Note: affected user can be retrieved as: $section->modinfo->userid

Course format plugins can override the method to change the properties $available and $availableinfo that were calculated by conditional availability. To make section unavailable set: $available = false; To make unavailable section completely hidden set: $availableinfo = ''; To make unavailable section visible with availability message set: $availableinfo = get_string('sectionhidden', 'format_xxx');

bool$availablethe 'available' propery of the section_info as it was evaluated by conditional availability. Can be changed by the method but 'false' can not be overridden by 'true'.
string$availableinfothe 'availableinfo' propery of the section_info as it was evaluated by conditional availability. Can be changed by the method

◆ session_cache()

static core_courseformat\base::session_cache ( stdClass $course)

Return the current user course format cache key.

The course format session cache can be used to cache the user course representation. The statekey will be reset when the the course state changes. For example when the course is edited, the user completes an activity or simply some course preference like collapsing a section happens.

stdClass$coursethe course object
Return values
stringthe current statekey

◆ session_cache_reset()

static core_courseformat\base::session_cache_reset ( stdClass $course)

Reset the current user course format cache.

The course format cache resets every time the course cache resets but also when the user changes their course format preference, complete an activity...

stdClass$coursethe course object
Return values
stringthe new statekey

◆ session_cache_reset_all()

static core_courseformat\base::session_cache_reset_all ( )

Reset the current user for all courses.

The course format cache resets every time the course cache resets but also when the user changes their language, all course editors

Return values

◆ set_section_number()

core_courseformat\base::set_section_number ( int $singlesection)

Set if the current format instance will show multiple sections or an individual one.

Some formats has the hability to swith from one section to multiple sections per page, this method replaces the old print_multiple_section_page and print_single_section_page.

int$singlesectionzero for all sections or a section number

◆ set_sections_preference()

core_courseformat\base::set_sections_preference ( string $preferencename,
array $sectionids )

Return the format section preferences.

string$preferencenamepreference name
int[]$sectionidsaffected section ids

◆ show_editor()

core_courseformat\base::show_editor ( ?array $capabilities = ['moodle/course:manageactivities'])

return true if the course editor must be displayed.

array | null$capabilitiesarray of capabilities a user needs to have to see edit controls in general. If null or not specified, the user needs to have 'moodle/course:manageactivities'.
Return values
booltrue if edit controls must be displayed

◆ supports_ajax()

core_courseformat\base::supports_ajax ( )

Returns the information about the ajax support in the given source format.

The returned object's property (boolean)capable indicates that the course format supports Moodle course ajax features.

Return values

Reimplemented in format_legacy, format_social, format_topics, and format_weeks.

◆ supports_components()

core_courseformat\base::supports_components ( )

Returns true if this course format is compatible with content components.

Using components means the content elements can watch the frontend course state and react to the changes. Formats with component compatibility can have more interactions without refreshing the page, like having drag and drop from the course index to reorder sections and activities.

Return values
boolif the format is compatible with components.

Reimplemented in format_topics, and format_weeks.

◆ supports_news()

core_courseformat\base::supports_news ( )

Indicates whether the course format supports the creation of the Announcements forum.

For course format plugin developers, please override this to return true if you want the Announcements forum to be created upon course creation.

Return values

Reimplemented in format_topics, and format_weeks.

◆ update_course_format_options()

core_courseformat\base::update_course_format_options ( $data,
$oldcourse = null )

Updates format options for a course.

If $data does not contain property with the option name, the option will not be updated

stdClass | array$datareturn value from moodleform\get_data() or array with data
stdClass$oldcourseif this function is called from update_course() this object contains information about the course before update
Return values
boolwhether there were any changes to the options values

Reimplemented in format_legacy, format_topics, and format_weeks.

◆ update_format_options()

core_courseformat\base::update_format_options ( $data,
$sectionid = null )

Updates format options for a course or section.

If $data does not contain property with the option name, the option will not be updated

stdClass | array$datareturn value from moodleform\get_data() or array with data
null | int$sectionidnull if these are options for course or section id ( if these are options for section
Return values
boolwhether there were any changes to the options values

◆ update_section_format_options()

core_courseformat\base::update_section_format_options ( $data)

Updates format options for a section.

Section id is expected in $data->id (or $data['id']) If $data does not contain property with the option name, the option will not be updated

stdClass | array$datareturn value from moodleform\get_data() or array with data
Return values
boolwhether there were any changes to the options values

◆ uses_course_index()

core_courseformat\base::uses_course_index ( )

Returns true if this course format uses course index.

This function may be called without specifying the course id i.e. in course_index_drawer()

Return values

Reimplemented in format_topics, and format_weeks.

◆ uses_indentation()

core_courseformat\base::uses_indentation ( )

Returns true if this course format uses activity indentation.

Return values
boolif the course format uses indentation.

Reimplemented in format_topics, and format_weeks.

◆ uses_sections()

core_courseformat\base::uses_sections ( )

Returns true if this course format uses sections.

This function may be called without specifying the course id i.e. in course_format_uses_sections()

Developers, note that if course format does use sections there should be defined a language string with the name 'sectionname' defining what the section relates to in the format, i.e. $string['sectionname'] = 'Topic'; or $string['sectionname'] = 'Week';

Return values

Reimplemented in format_legacy, format_topics, and format_weeks.

◆ validate_course_format_options()

core_courseformat\base::validate_course_format_options ( array $data)

Validates format options for the course.

array$datadata to insert/update
Return values
arrayarray of options that have valid values

◆ validate_format_options()

core_courseformat\base::validate_format_options ( array $rawdata,
int $sectionid = null )

Prepares values of course or section format options before storing them in DB.

If an option has invalid value it is not returned

array$rawdataassociative array of the proposed course/section format options
int | null$sectionidnull if it is course format option
Return values
arrayarray of options that have valid values

Member Data Documentation

◆ $format

string core_courseformat\base::$format

format used for this course.

Please note that it can be different from course.format field if course referes to non-existing of disabled format

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