Moodle PHP Documentation 4.1
Moodle 4.1.11 (Build: 20240610) (c8c84b4af18)
This is the complete list of members for S3, including all inherited members.
$defDelimiter | S3 | static |
$endpoint | S3 | static |
$proxy | S3 | static |
$sslCACert | S3 | static |
$sslCert | S3 | static |
$sslKey | S3 | static |
$useExceptions | S3 | static |
$useSSL | S3 | static |
$useSSLValidation | S3 | static |
$useSSLVersion | S3 | static |
__construct($accessKey=null, $secretKey=null, $useSSL=false, $endpoint='') | S3 | |
__getSignature($string) | S3 | static |
__getTime() | S3 | static |
ACL_AUTHENTICATED_READ (defined in S3) | S3 | |
ACL_PRIVATE (defined in S3) | S3 | |
ACL_PUBLIC_READ (defined in S3) | S3 | |
ACL_PUBLIC_READ_WRITE (defined in S3) | S3 | |
copyObject($srcBucket, $srcUri, $bucket, $uri, $acl=self::ACL_PRIVATE, $metaHeaders=array(), $requestHeaders=array(), $storageClass=self::STORAGE_CLASS_STANDARD) | S3 | static |
createDistribution($bucket, $enabled=true, $cnames=array(), $comment=null, $defaultRootObject=null, $originAccessIdentity=null, $trustedSigners=array()) | S3 | static |
deleteBucket($bucket) | S3 | static |
deleteDistribution($dist) | S3 | static |
deleteObject($bucket, $uri) | S3 | static |
disableBucketLogging($bucket) | S3 | static |
freeSigningKey() | S3 | static |
getAccessControlPolicy($bucket, $uri='') | S3 | static |
getAuthenticatedURL($bucket, $uri, $lifetime, $hostBucket=false, $https=false) | S3 | static |
getBucket($bucket, $prefix=null, $marker=null, $maxKeys=null, $delimiter=null, $returnCommonPrefixes=false) | S3 | static |
getBucketLocation($bucket) | S3 | static |
getBucketLogging($bucket) | S3 | static |
getDistribution($distributionId) | S3 | static |
getDistributionInvalidationList($distributionId) | S3 | static |
getHttpUploadPostParams($bucket, $uriPrefix='', $acl=self::ACL_PRIVATE, $lifetime=3600, $maxFileSize=5242880, $successRedirect="201", $amzHeaders=array(), $headers=array(), $flashVars=false) | S3 | static |
getObject($bucket, $uri, $saveTo=false) | S3 | static |
getObjectInfo($bucket, $uri, $returnInfo=true) | S3 | static |
getSignedCannedURL($url, $lifetime) | S3 | static |
getSignedPolicyURL($policy) | S3 | static |
hasAuth() | S3 | static |
inputFile($file, $md5sum=true) | S3 | static |
inputResource(&$resource, $bufferSize=false, $md5sum='') | S3 | static |
invalidateDistribution($distributionId, $paths) | S3 | static |
listBuckets($detailed=false) | S3 | static |
listDistributions() | S3 | static |
listOriginAccessIdentities() | S3 | static |
putBucket($bucket, $acl=self::ACL_PRIVATE, $location=false) | S3 | static |
putObject($input, $bucket, $uri, $acl=self::ACL_PRIVATE, $metaHeaders=array(), $requestHeaders=array(), $storageClass=self::STORAGE_CLASS_STANDARD, $serverSideEncryption=self::SSE_NONE) | S3 | static |
putObjectFile($file, $bucket, $uri, $acl=self::ACL_PRIVATE, $metaHeaders=array(), $contentType=null) | S3 | static |
putObjectString($string, $bucket, $uri, $acl=self::ACL_PRIVATE, $metaHeaders=array(), $contentType='text/plain') | S3 | static |
setAccessControlPolicy($bucket, $uri='', $acp=array()) | S3 | static |
setAuth($accessKey, $secretKey) | S3 | static |
setBucketLogging($bucket, $targetBucket, $targetPrefix=null) | S3 | static |
setBucketRedirect($bucket=NULL, $location=NULL) | S3 | static |
setEndpoint($host) | S3 | |
setExceptions($enabled=true) | S3 | static |
setProxy($host, $user=null, $pass=null, $type=CURLPROXY_SOCKS5) | S3 | static |
setSigningKey($keyPairId, $signingKey, $isFile=true) | S3 | static |
setSSL($enabled, $validate=true) | S3 | static |
setSSLAuth($sslCert=null, $sslKey=null, $sslCACert=null) | S3 | static |
setTimeCorrectionOffset($offset=0) | S3 | static |
SSE_AES256 (defined in S3) | S3 | |
SSE_NONE (defined in S3) | S3 | |
STORAGE_CLASS_RRS (defined in S3) | S3 | |
STORAGE_CLASS_STANDARD (defined in S3) | S3 | |
updateDistribution($dist) | S3 | static |