Moodle PHP Documentation 4.1
Moodle 4.1.11 (Build: 20240610) (c8c84b4af18)
Google_Service_Proximitybeacon_Beacons_Resource Class Reference

The "beacons" collection of methods. More...

Inheritance diagram for Google_Service_Proximitybeacon_Beacons_Resource:

Public Member Functions

 activate ($beaconName, $optParams=array())
 (Re)activates a beacon.
 call ($name, $arguments, $expected_class=null)
 TODO: This function needs simplifying.
 deactivate ($beaconName, $optParams=array())
 Deactivates a beacon.
 decommission ($beaconName, $optParams=array())
 Decommissions the specified beacon in the service.
 get ($beaconName, $optParams=array())
 Returns detailed information about the specified beacon.
 listBeacons ($optParams=array())
 Searches the beacon registry for beacons that match the given search criteria.
 register (Google_Service_Proximitybeacon_Beacon $postBody, $optParams=array())
 Registers a previously unregistered beacon given its advertisedId.
 update ($beaconName, Google_Service_Proximitybeacon_Beacon $postBody, $optParams=array())
 Updates the information about the specified beacon.

Protected Member Functions

 convertToArrayAndStripNulls ($o)

Detailed Description

The "beacons" collection of methods.

Typical usage is: $proximitybeaconService = new Google_Service_Proximitybeacon(...); $beacons = $proximitybeaconService->beacons;

Member Function Documentation

◆ activate()

Google_Service_Proximitybeacon_Beacons_Resource::activate ( $beaconName,
$optParams = array() )

(Re)activates a beacon.

A beacon that is active will return information and attachment data when queried via beaconinfo.getforobserved. Calling this method on an already active beacon will do nothing (but will return a successful response code). (beacons.activate)

string$beaconNameThe beacon to activate. Required.
array$optParamsOptional parameters.
Return values

◆ call()

Google_Service_Resource::call ( $name,
$expected_class = null )

TODO: This function needs simplifying.

$expected_class- optional, the expected class name
Return values

◆ deactivate()

Google_Service_Proximitybeacon_Beacons_Resource::deactivate ( $beaconName,
$optParams = array() )

Deactivates a beacon.

Once deactivated, the API will not return information nor attachment data for the beacon when queried via beaconinfo.getforobserved. Calling this method on an already inactive beacon will do nothing (but will return a successful response code). (beacons.deactivate)

string$beaconNameThe beacon name of this beacon.
array$optParamsOptional parameters.
Return values

◆ decommission()

Google_Service_Proximitybeacon_Beacons_Resource::decommission ( $beaconName,
$optParams = array() )

Decommissions the specified beacon in the service.

This beacon will no longer be returned from beaconinfo.getforobserved. This operation is permanent – you will not be able to re-register a beacon with this ID again. (beacons.decommission)

string$beaconNameBeacon that should be decommissioned. Required.
array$optParamsOptional parameters.
Return values

◆ get()

Google_Service_Proximitybeacon_Beacons_Resource::get ( $beaconName,
$optParams = array() )

Returns detailed information about the specified beacon.


string$beaconNameBeacon that is requested.
array$optParamsOptional parameters.
Return values

◆ listBeacons()

Google_Service_Proximitybeacon_Beacons_Resource::listBeacons ( $optParams = array())

Searches the beacon registry for beacons that match the given search criteria.

Only those beacons that the client has permission to list will be returned. (beacons.listBeacons)

array$optParamsOptional parameters.

@opt_param string q Filter query string that supports the following field filters: * description:"" For example: description:"Room 3" Returns beacons whose description matches tokens in the string "Room 3" (not necessarily that exact string). The string must be double-quoted. * status: For example: status:active Returns beacons whose status matches the given value. Values must be one of the Beacon.Status enum values (case insensitive). Accepts multiple filters which will be combined with OR logic.

  • stability: For example: stability:mobile Returns beacons whose expected stability matches the given value. Values must be one of the Beacon.Stability enum values (case insensitive). Accepts multiple filters which will be combined with OR logic. * place_id:"" For example: place_id:"ChIJVSZzVR8FdkgRXGmmm6SslKw=" Returns beacons explicitly registered at the given place, expressed as a Place ID obtained from Google Places API. Does not match places inside the given place. Does not consider the beacon's actual location (which may be different from its registered place). Accepts multiple filters that will be combined with OR logic. The place ID must be double-quoted. * registration_time[|=] For example: registration_time>=1433116800 Returns beacons whose registration time matches the given filter. Supports the operators: , =. Timestamp must be expressed as an integer number of seconds since midnight January 1, 1970 UTC. Accepts at most two filters that will be combined with AND logic, to support "between" semantics. If more than two are supplied, the latter ones are ignored. * lat: lng: radius: For example: lat:51.1232343 lng:-1.093852 radius:1000 Returns beacons whose registered location is within the given circle. When any of these fields are given, all are required. Latitude and longitude must be decimal degrees between -90.0 and 90.0 and between -180.0 and 180.0 respectively. Radius must be an integer number of meters less than 1,000,000 (1000 km). * property:"=" For example: property:"battery- type=CR2032" Returns beacons which have a property of the given name and value. Supports multiple filters which will be combined with OR logic. The entire name=value string must be double-quoted as one string. * attachment_type:"" For example: attachment_type:"my-namespace/my-type" Returns beacons having at least one attachment of the given namespaced type. Supports "any within this namespace" via the partial wildcard syntax: "my- namespace". Supports multiple filters which will be combined with OR logic. The string must be double-quoted. Multiple filters on the same field are combined with OR logic (except registration_time which is combined with AND logic). Multiple filters on different fields are combined with AND logic. Filters should be separated by spaces. As with any HTTP query string parameter, the whole filter expression must be URL-encoded. Example REST request: GET /v1beta1/beacons?q=status:active%20lat:51.123%20lng:-1.095%20radius:1000 @opt_param string pageToken A pagination token obtained from a previous request to list beacons. @opt_param int pageSize The maximum number of records to return for this request, up to a server-defined upper limit.
    Return values

◆ register()

Google_Service_Proximitybeacon_Beacons_Resource::register ( Google_Service_Proximitybeacon_Beacon $postBody,
$optParams = array() )

Registers a previously unregistered beacon given its advertisedId.

These IDs are unique within the system. An ID can be registered only once. (beacons.register)

array$optParamsOptional parameters.
Return values

◆ update()

Google_Service_Proximitybeacon_Beacons_Resource::update ( $beaconName,
Google_Service_Proximitybeacon_Beacon $postBody,
$optParams = array() )

Updates the information about the specified beacon.

Any field that you do not populate in the submitted beacon will be permanently erased, so you should follow the "read, modify, write" pattern to avoid inadvertently destroying data. Changes to the beacon status via this method will be silently ignored. To update beacon status, use the separate methods on this API for (de)activation and decommissioning. (beacons.update)

string$beaconNameResource name of this beacon. A beacon name has the format "beacons/N!beaconId" where the beaconId is the base16 ID broadcast by the beacon and N is a code for the beacon's type. Possible values are 3 for Eddystone, 1 for iBeacon, or 5 for AltBeacon. This field must be left empty when registering. After reading a beacon, clients can use the name for future operations.
array$optParamsOptional parameters.
Return values

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