Moodle PHP Documentation 4.1
Moodle 4.1.11 (Build: 20240610) (c8c84b4af18)
This is the complete list of members for core_payment\helper, including all inherited members.
add_common_gateway_settings(\admin_settingpage $settings, string $gateway) | core_payment\helper | static |
delete_payment_account(account $account) | core_payment\helper | static |
deliver_order(string $component, string $paymentarea, int $itemid, int $paymentid, int $userid) | core_payment\helper | static |
gateways_modal_link_params(string $component, string $paymentarea, int $itemid, string $description) | core_payment\helper | static |
get_available_gateways(string $component, string $paymentarea, int $itemid) | core_payment\helper | static |
get_cost_as_string(float $amount, string $currency, float $surcharge=0) | core_payment\helper | static |
get_gateway_configuration(string $component, string $paymentarea, int $itemid, string $gatewayname) | core_payment\helper | static |
get_gateway_surcharge(string $gateway) | core_payment\helper | static |
get_payable(string $component, string $paymentarea, int $itemid) | core_payment\helper | static |
get_payment_accounts_menu(\context $context) | core_payment\helper | static |
get_payment_accounts_to_manage(\context $context, bool $showarchived=false) | core_payment\helper | static |
get_rounded_cost(float $amount, string $currency, float $surcharge=0) | core_payment\helper | static |
get_success_url(string $component, string $paymentarea, int $itemid) | core_payment\helper | static |
get_supported_currencies() | core_payment\helper | static |
restore_payment_account(account $account) | core_payment\helper | static |
save_payment(int $accountid, string $component, string $paymentarea, int $itemid, int $userid, float $amount, string $currency, string $gateway) | core_payment\helper | static |
save_payment_account(\stdClass $data) | core_payment\helper | static |
save_payment_gateway(\stdClass $data) | core_payment\helper | static |